Friday, February 22, 2013

Let's try this again...

After a few issues with my blog and then just getting very busy, I am going to try this again.  I'm super excited with how my little TpT store has taken off and so I thought I would share a few of my newer units.

I've recently uploaded a few units that are directly aligned to the CCSS for lower elementary grades.  

The first one is a Cause and Effect unit.
Cause and Effect Reading Activities {CCSS Reading Aligned} 
This unit is LOADED with printables and a hands-on hunt that will help your students understand this tricky skill.

The next one is Main Idea Mania.  Students will hunt for the main idea after reading several passages.  This unit has many options for differentiating, too.  AND  it also has a cute ice cream cone craftivity.
Main Idea and Supporting Details Mania--{CCSS aligned}

And, my latest unit is Author's Purpose Extravaganza.  I used this unit with my kiddos and they really GOT IT! 
Author's Purpose Extravanganza {Easy as P.I.E.}